Bucket List
I'm a believer that if you put your dreams out into the universe they're more likely to happen, simply because people get out of the way or join your mission. Here are mine.
→ Quit corporate job and become solopreneur
→ Publish at least 1 book traditionally and see it in bookstores
→ Develop an animated movie and video game based on my own IP
→ Launch my own software product
→ Do a full stand-up routine in a comedy club
→ Fly private on a whim. Grab a bunch of friends and go somewhere fun.
→ Own a second home in NYC, preferably midtown Manhattan
→ Be on the set of a Hollywood film. Bonus: own my favorite movie props.
→ Achieve an “attendance EGOT”. Attend the Emmys, Grammys, Oscars, and Tonys. I don’t need to win an EGOT, I just want to attend.
→ Learn Spanish fluently enough to have conversations with native speakers
→ Own a vineyard with my wife (she’s a winemaker)